Tuesday, November 3, 2020

THERE WAS A FLY ON PENCE’S HEAD, or how I became a feminist.

Oh wow.  It really has been a long time since I posted. My at least 5 faithful followers reminded me of this very thing.  Hopefully, now the election cycle is *almost* over, I will get into a regular schedule of posting.  Hopefully, Donny is going bye-bye after today so I will have to find a whole new list of things to talk about  I think I am up for the challenge   

Yup. That’s right. It’s Election Day. I have been waiting four years for it to come around. Now that it’s here, it feels a little surreal.  I feel much more disconnected from it than I thought I would. I can’t really tell you how I feel.  I didn’t sleep well because I woke up thinking about it,  but now I’m just meh.  I really don’t have any idea at all of how I expect tonight to go.  Probably some kind of shit show, knowing the current asshole-in-chief but if I have my way, his shit show days are numbered. 

I don’t have anything real pithy to say about the election other than I am just so glad that if anything good comes out of this nightmare, it will be it started me on the path towards really becoming a feminist and embracing it fully and being DAMN PROUD to be one of those “nasty women”.  Watching that asshole stalk Hillary Clinton across the stage four years ago or listening to women who have been sexually assaulted by him or listening to that Access Hollywood tape or watching time after time after time his administration try to suppress women’s rights (and for that matter, anyone’s rights they don’t agree with) has ignited a fire on me. I won’t be told what I can and I can’t do, and I won’t just exist for the sexual gratification of some man.  I will go down with a fight, and I don’t plan to go down at all   

I haven’t always been able to say this about myself.  For a long time, I associated feminism with being a bad thing.  I saw these women as militant and “bitchy“ and not necessarily just trying to advance women’s rights but putting themselves above men.

How fucking ludicrous is that?

A lot of that comes from how I was raised. You know the man is the head of the household, right? Bullshit.  That’s bullshit right now.  My dad was a drunk who came home and passed out each and every night.  If something needed to be done around the house, my mom did it.  If something broke, my mom fixed it or made a mess trying, but goddamn it she still tried. He was in no shape to be head of ANYTHING, and so my mom kept us all together. 

I think some of also comes from me thinking a man needed to charge as a crutch.  I didn’t have the confidence to ask a guy out so I waited for him to do the asking.  I didn’t think I was capable of fixing things so I thought I needed a man to do it.  I didn’t think I could take care of myself so I was waiting for that man who was going to come in and fill my life and do all the things I couldn’t do. 

Also bullshit.  

I do remember I admired my grandmother because she took care of herself and my mom, long after her divorce and long after her second husband died   She didn’t take shit from anybody  When I look back on it, I can see my feistiness has some deep-seated roots. Only  now am I really starting to embrace it.

If there is anything the last decade of my life has taught me, and in particular these last four years, is there isn’t a damn thing I cannot do if I set my mind to it. I get up every day, I got dressed, I work, I take care of my animals, I do my things.  All by myself. Because I am fully damn capable of it. 

Finding my own strength and my own voice has propelled me to action. During this campaign, I have called and moderated and searched social media and gained A LOT of confidence along the way.  I plan on keeping doing something once this campaign is really over.  Since I have the voice, I don’t mind using it.  I also LOVE talking to other women who are on that path of finding their own voice as well. Because after all, isn’t life all about the journey and sharing it with people who matter?

Women are strong and powerful and beautiful all on their own. I encourage everyone to find that voice in themselves and do with it what you will. You don’t have to do things my way. But make it a priority to find and listen to that voice. I did. And I’m not looking back.  

Also. FUCK YOU, DONALD TRUMP, you morherfucking narcissistic ASSHOLE.  I hope your ass gets smeared from one end of this country to the other tonight.  I hope it’s such a divisive, humiliating defeat.  

Wow. That felt good.  

Don’t piss a woman off.  

the rainbow connection

 Now that quarantine is winding down and I am all vaccinated up, I have made plans to do a ridiculous amount of things:  I am getting drinks...