Sunday, August 30, 2020

small victories, big victories

hey, all you cool cats and kittens! checkin' in on a sunday. i will always be grateful to the tiger king for adding that phrase to my lexicon rotation.

overall,  it's been a good week.   i started volunteering with my local democratic party and with the joe biden campaign  to call voters.  for biden, we are specifically calling battleground states , and  today's state was arizona.  lots and lots of hang ups.  BUT, i talked to 8 biden supporters and 1 trump supporter which was awesome.  the trump supporter was actually the cutest of them all and very careful to tell me her name was not just edna but edna louise.   she was kind, and so was i, and it was a good call.  this was today's big victory.

i am really excited about doing this so i am talking about it A LOT. it's been awhile since i've  had something new to sink my teeth into get excited about it.   i think everyone living through this pandemic can relate to that statement.  i have been working through some big and small victories this week.  some days, getting my kitchen clean early is a small victory and all i need for the day.  other days (and weeks), i need the big victories.  getting out of my comfort zone and making these calls is definitely a big victory.  i think both the small and big victories are important.

i started reading john dickerson's book the hardest job in the world: the american presidency.  so far, i really, really like it.  it's not just a trump-bashing book but instead takes a look at the presidency as a job.  it's an impossible job, even when we like who is in office, and our approval can change on a dime.   i will have more to say once i have gotten through it.  i also started re-reading harry potter and the chamber of secrets.   another small-ish victory this week:  starting to read again.  i love it but have not disciplined myself to do it in a long time.   i feel good about it.

big victory this week: i started checking out therapists.  now that i have been with a psychiatrist for awhile and have a pretty good handle on my meds, it's time to go deeper.   i am excited-ish about it.   i think i am ready to deal the things..   The first visit will be nerve wracking I AM SURE, but i am excited to just do it .   my brain just needs things it can work on right now.

another big victory: i woke up feeling so anxious and BLAH on friday.   i got up, wrote in my journal, and did some yoga.   before long, i was able to work through the BLAH and have a good morning.  that's a huge step for me-- being able to change my trajectory with recognizing the feeling, and doing something to change it. i am so excited to try this out again and see if the results are the same.

another big victory later in the day on friday:  i was thinking about something that just made me sad.  i took a deep breath and said to myself that i was going to acknowledge the thought and sit there with it for a moment.  once i was able to take that pause and acknowledge i was sad, i felt better. i was able to move on to something else and not think about that sad thought anymore right then. i learned that it's not so important to make the thought go away but to give it some space so it can go away on its own. BIG victory.

i've had some other small victories this week:   watching a nightmare on elm street for the first time and not getting too twitchy and/or falling asleep, learning how to ger into various calling platforms this week without any trouble, writing in my journal more, and not eating out at all (i am going to reward myself with a pizza today because it's sunday, and i deserve it). all victories, all important to me.

what are some big and small victories in your life this week?

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